MBE is dedicated to promote business as an actor for social change and social improvement for all, with a respect for the environment, for human rights, for community-oriented, long-term oriented sustainable development.
MBE was one of the first organization in Myanmar to join UN Global Compact and has been a promoter of its guidelines.
In addition to that MBE wants to build strong programs that actively help the concrete implementation of responsible practices in Myanmar business world, by national or international firms. By respecting the country, its specificity, its environment and its people.
Current projects:
– Supporting UN Global Compact, having contributed for the CSR awareness in Myanmar and the joining of many new Myanmar business
– Myanmar responsible practices working group
– Supporting nationwide E-learning project
Helping set up IT centers all over Myanmar (Yangon, Nyaungshwe, Hpa-an, Dawei, Maubin) through the training of trainers
MBE past projects:
– SCG Scholarship Program for secondary students